Themes Installation
We'll install WordPress and any free or premium WordPress theme and make it look like one of the demos.
Online Book Store, Woocommer Development, Local SEO, Responsive, Analytic
“ দেশের আগামীকাল” তার শহর, সমাজ আর সময়কে অন্য চোখে দেখতে চায়, পাঠককে দেখাতে চায়, ভাবাতে চায়, চায় মস্তিষ্কে ঝড় তোলা বিতর্ক। চায় দৈনন্দিন জীবনের একটা বৌদ্ধিক অভ্যাস হয়ে উঠতে। বাংলা ও ইংরেজি দুই ভাষাতেই এই ওয়েবম্যাগটি সমসময়ের বহুস্বরকে পাঠকের কানে ও মনে পৌঁছে দেওয়ার একটি বিষয়মুখ। মুক্ত ও স্বাধীন চিন্তাচর্চার অল্টারনেটিভ স্পেস। লেখক – পাঠক পয়েন্ট – কাউন্টারপয়েন্টের এক উত্তরআধুনিক আর্বান ভার্চুয়ালিটি। আ নিউ ম্যাট্রিক্স রিলোডেড।
This WP theme has modern and functional design specially built for Publishing House or Bookstore. The theme can be suitable for any Publishing service business or Book-Author official website, it also can be interesting for Libraries, Literary Clubs, Digital and Media online stores. This WP Theme is fully compatible with the latest version of WooCommerce to allow you selling your media products, like movies, audio, eBooks, video games and online course.
This WP Theme is fully responsive and Retina Ready theme, so it looks amazing on any platform. The theme is compatible with a bundle of premium plugins: WooCommerce, Revolution Slider, Essential Grid, Visual Composer and PO Composer to make it easy for you to setup and manage your publishing company website. With an intuitive visual interface you can make as many layouts as you can imagine.
We build WordPress solutions that are sophisticated, yet simple to suit your website in terms of performance and responsiveness.
We'll install WordPress and any free or premium WordPress theme and make it look like one of the demos.
We help WordPress bloggers and website owners enhance the visibility of their website or blog in Search Engines like Google.
We provide web content development services such as content planning, writing, and editing and keyword analysis.
Installing WordPress is easy. Secure WordPress setup and ongoing Management of WordPress Security is not easy as installing WP.
You'll start off by having a website. Of course, we can install and set up as many plug-ins you want or need.
We will securely move your entire WordPress site, emails and databases to your new hosting account.